Opening the curtain on F/T with a bang!
Debuting at F/T13, this exciting new event will celebrate the start of the month-long festival, helping creating a festive and vibrant atmosphere in the Ikebukuro area. Events on the day include a special reading by writer Seiko Ito and Akio Miyazawa on the theme of the festival, as well as the unveiling of a huge art installation by Noboru Tsubaki and Asian food stalls to mark the first outdoor performance by Indonesia Theatre of Studio.
F/T Mob Training Session
Featuring: Ryohei Kondo (Condors), Yuri Furuie (Project Ohyama), Koshi Miura (Kuchiroro), Mikuni Yanaihara (Nibroll) 12:00-13:30 Ikebukuro Nishiguchi Park Stage This "training" event is free for anyone to attend and features all the participants in the F/T13 Mob Special series of flash mobs. Here you can learn the choreography and movements that will be used in the flash mobs.
Talk: "Getting the Most Out of F/T13"
Featuring: Kyoko Iwaki (theatre journalist), Hidenaga Otori (theatre critic), Chikara Fujiwara (writer, editor), Rieko Suzuki (theatre writer) 13:00-15:30 Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre, Atelier East Leading theatre critic Hidenaga Otori and Europe-based theatre journalist Kyoko Iwaki will be joined by writer and editor Chikara Fujiwara, and theatre writer Rieko Suzuki to take part in a special discussion on the F/T13 line-up, introducing the overseas and Japanese productions, and placing the highlights in the contexts of global theatre trends.
F/T Concert
14:30-15:45 Ikebukuro Nishiguchi Park Stage This distinctly F/T-esque music event will liven up the opening of the festival. It features music by the special band that will be creating the soundtrack for "100% Tokyo", and others.
"Prolog?" Reading by Seiko Ito
Featuring: Seiko Ito / Sound: Dub Master X / Direction: Akio Miyazawa
16:00-16:45 Ikebukuro Nishiguchi Park Stage
Seiko Ito will be reading from the text of Elfriede Jelinek's "Prolog?", which features in two different adaptations in F/T13. In collaboration with Japan's leading sound remixer, Dub Master X, this unique reading event will be directed by Akio Miyazawa, the director of one of the "Epilog?" stagings in F/T13. F/T13's travels in narratives begin here.
Seiko Ito
Born in 1961 in Tokyo and graduated from Waseda University. Award-winning novelist and essayist, he also works in film, music, television and theatre. In 1999 he won the 15th Kodansha Essay Prize. He has contributed rap lyrics to a Cocoon Kabuki production, as well as working with Kuchiroro. He regularly appears on television.
Dub Master X
Born in 1963 in Sapporo. In 1983 he became a mixing engineer at a nightclub while working as a DJ. After this he rose to be the top remixer in Japan, and now works as a PA system engineer, stage sound designer, recording engineer, remixer, producer and programmer.
Akio Miyazawa
Born in Shizuoka in 1956. In the Nineties he started work with his company U-ench Saisei Jigyodan, gathering casts per staging, and won the Kishida Kunio Drama Award in 1993 for "Hinemi". (See full profile)
F/T13 Opening Ceremony: Opening Declaration & Unveiling of Noboru Tsubaki's Giant Balloon Installation
17:00-17:30 Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre Atrium
A public opening ceremony to mark the start of F/T13. The event will also feature the unveiling of visual artist Noboru Tsubaki's artwork, "Keine Stimme - Epilog?", made in response to the themes of the festival. It will appear in the atrium of the Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre, a spectacle of sound, light and video
Free (with exception of some events)
Further details will be announced at a later stage
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