
About Artist

Stefan KaegiRimini Protokoll

Kaegi was born in 1972 in Switzerland, and studied visual arts in Zurich and drama/theatre/media at the University of Giessen, Germany. His mini train world "Mnemopark" was awarded the prize of the jury at "Festival Politik im freien Theater", and was invited to the Tokyo International Arts Festival in 2008. In 2008 he developed "Radio Muezzin" in Cairo, a project about the call to prayer in this age of its technical reproduction, and in 2011 "Bodenprobe Kasachstan", about migration and oil in central Asia. In 2010 he was awarded with the prize for cultural diversity by the European Cultural Foundation. He staged a specially customized version of his truck performance for F/T09 Autumn, "Cargo Tokyo-Yokohama".

Participating Artists by Year